With Arms Wide Open
Join us for St. Vincent de Paul Louisville’s monthly Podcast, “With Arms Wide Open.” This podcast will share stories of people and programs in the Louisville community. Our podcast strives to shine the light on people and services that are of value to our Louisville family.
With Arms Wide Open
A Conversation with Kevin Adler, National Speaker & Author of "When We Walk By"
If you hope to learn more about the state of homelessness in the U.S. and what we can do about it, Kevin Adler's new book, “When We Walk By: Forgotten Humanity, Broken Systems, and the Role We Can Each Play in Ending Homelessness in America,” is a must-read guide.
Watch: YouTube
Kevin’s work has been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, on a billboard in Times Square, and in his TED Talk.
As the Founder and CEO of the nonprofit organization Miracle Messages in 2014, Kevin leads a global community of volunteers and referral partners, who have successfully reconnected more than 900 people experiencing homelessness with their loved ones, matched 350 unhoused individuals with volunteers for weekly calls and texts, and launched one of the first basic income pilots for the homeless in the U.S. This has resulted in more than two-thirds of people getting housed.
Our CEO Dave Calzi spoke virtually with Kevin about these topics:
- One out of every two Americans is one paycheck away from homelessness. If that’s true, then why aren't more people homeless?
- Miracle Messages is all about the term "relational poverty." Kevin shares how that's the basis of his organization's strategy.
- What is the overall message of “When We Walk By?"
- Is it fair or proper to label the homeless as "the homeless?" Or is their an alternative way we can talk about those in need?
- Kevin shares that homelessness may be the most intersectional issue in America because there are a lot of “systems” at work. What are the current systems and how have they been set up for those experiencing homelessness to fail?
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