With Arms Wide Open
Join us for St. Vincent de Paul Louisville’s monthly Podcast, “With Arms Wide Open.” This podcast will share stories of people and programs in the Louisville community. Our podcast strives to shine the light on people and services that are of value to our Louisville family.
With Arms Wide Open
A Conversation with nationally known author Leah Rothstein and Louisville Metro Government Planning Supervisor Joel Dock
How do Legos help explain housing segregation? Louisville Metro Government Planning Supervisor Joel Dock shares what they have to do with one another.
This is an eye-opening podcast conversation! On the topic of housing segregation, author Leah Rothstein and Joel are global and local leaders, respectively. They are passionate about what we can do in our own communities to begin to challenge and redress segregation. You can also watch now!
Watch: Video
Leah is a nationally known housing policy expert and coauthored “Just Action: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law,” which released last year. Joel has worked at Louisville Metro Government for 11 years, and oversees zoning changes and land development code in the Louisville area in the Office of Planning.
Our CEO Dave Calzi talks with Leah and Joel helps put housing segregation into layman's terms:
- Leah shares how she and her father, Richard, became a strong dad-daughter duo in the housing arena. Richard wrote “The Color of the Law,” which has sold almost one million copies and focuses on how federal, state, and local governments gave rise to and reinforced neighborhood segregation. "Just Action" is the sequel.
- As a nation, are we past segregation from a housing perspective? Why or why not?
- Specific examples from “Confronting Racism in City Planning and Zoning" help us look at decisions made over the last century and what led to zoning segregation.
- Joel shows us how Legos can teach us about more "middle housing" options for local citizens.
- Over the last few decades, Louisville has become more diverse, and in particular, has many refugees and a growing Hispanic population. How does this affect housing?
To purchase "Just Action," go to https://www.justactionbook.org/ or visit justaction.substack.com.
Joel and his team's interactive exhibit/story map of “Confronting Racism in City Planning and Zoning": https://arcg.is/1Snbj4.
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