With Arms Wide Open
Join us for St. Vincent de Paul Louisville’s monthly Podcast, “With Arms Wide Open.” This podcast will share stories of people and programs in the Louisville community. Our podcast strives to shine the light on people and services that are of value to our Louisville family.
With Arms Wide Open
A Conversation Celebrating the 170 Year History of St. Vincent de Paul Louisville
If you've always wondered how we grew from the small beginnings of gathering inside a church basement in 1853 to housing 450 nightly and feeding 330 people daily, then lean into this podcast. We condensed 170 years of history into one episode!
This podcast is truly special because we’d love to take you on a history tour as we celebrate our 170 year anniversary, especially because you are the ones who have invested so much of your time, talents, and treasures towards this mission over the years. You can also watch now!
Watch: https://youtu.be/qmQ8jDbzSXI
To help us, our CEO Dave Calzi spoke with longtime Board Member and former Executive Director Jim Williams, Director of Conference Affairs & Volunteer Services Donna Young, and Board Member and history guru David Neill.
Here's our guided tour through SVDP Louisville's history:
- How did the roots of SVDP Louisville begin in the basement of a local Catholic church?
- The "conferences" are the heart and soul of SVDP. What are they exactly?
- How did the Shelby Park campus come together in the early 1980s to now being the #1 recipient of 2-1-1 calls for those in need?
- SVDP's national mission beyond Louisville, which has been responding to natural disasters longer than the Red Cross
- Find out how you can get involved in the 27th annual Santa Shop!
To learn more, visit https://www.svdplou.org/.
Thanks to everyone who listened! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn!