With Arms Wide Open

A Conversation with Gregg Colburn, author of "Homelessness is a Housing Problem"

August 15, 2023 St. Vincent de Paul Louisville Episode 16

How does the game of musical chairs help explain homelessness? This podcast conversation breaks down that analogy! 

Author Gregg Colburn shares how a lack of affordable housing impacts homelessness from his recently released book, "Homelessness is a Housing Problem." He's an Assistant Professor of real estate at the University of Washington and studies affordable housing. Colburn joins our podcast to talk with CEO and Executive Director Dave Calzi about why homelessness isn't the same in every city and varies significantly by region—from Los Angeles and New York to Chicago and Charlotte. 

Here are some hot button issues raised during the podcast: 

  • How low vacancy rates and high rental costs are a recipe for disaster when it comes to having enough housing in your city 
  • What affordable housing is, how it's different than emergency shelters, and the red tape between developers and building affordable housing
  • Why Louisville could have a homelessness crisis in the near future
  • What you can do to influence change in a city that needs more affordable housing 

Here's a link to purchase Colburn's book, "Homelessness is a Housing Problem."

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