With Arms Wide Open
Join us for St. Vincent de Paul Louisville’s monthly Podcast, “With Arms Wide Open.” This podcast will share stories of people and programs in the Louisville community. Our podcast strives to shine the light on people and services that are of value to our Louisville family.
With Arms Wide Open
A Conversation with Rich Lechleiter, the CEO at the Catholic Education Foundation
If you need purpose in your work, are unsure about your second act, or love a good story, then check out this conversation!
St. Vincent de Paul Louisville CEO Dave Calzi is a guest on the Catholic Education Foundation's podcast with CEF CEO Rich Lechleiter at Talgrace Studio. Dave was formerly CEF Board Chair. Both of our organizations are working hard to improve the lives of others, whether through the public school system or on the streets of Louisville. Our missions have a lot in common!
You can also watch this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my32eq2KmFw
Dave and Rich go way back, and their conversation is one of mutual admiration and respect for one another and the organizations they lead.
Here are some topics raised during the podcast:
- Dave and Rich talk about how their professional paths crossed and share their personal stories.
- Dave talks about the rich history of education at SVDP that dates back to 1852.
- Dave discusses the complexities at SVDP and living out its mission to save lives every day.
- Dave shares the story that landed him at SVDP and Rich's role in all of that.
- Dave talks about how stepping on as CEO has been the hardest thing he's ever done.
- They offer advice on how to find purpose in your second act.
CEF was founded in 1995 for the primary purpose of supporting the growth and vitality of Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Louisville. To learn more, visit www.ceflou.org/.
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