With Arms Wide Open
Join us for St. Vincent de Paul Louisville’s monthly Podcast, “With Arms Wide Open.” This podcast will share stories of people and programs in the Louisville community. Our podcast strives to shine the light on people and services that are of value to our Louisville family.
With Arms Wide Open
A Conversation with Dominique Batts, the Director of Housing and Services at St. Vincent de Paul Louisville
If you want to look behind-the-scenes and learn how clients receive help at St. Vincent de Paul Louisville, this is a don't miss discussion! SVDP CEO Dave Calzi talks to our very own Dominique Batts about housing and programs major shift to better serve those in need. Batts also shares about growing up in the Catholic school system, secondary trauma vs. secondary success, and balancing two jobs with two young children. By the way, she also loves ballet!
Thanks to everyone who listened! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn!